Your Consultation

You will be seen and assessed in detail personally by Mr Sood.  For you convenience, you will typically have any x-rays that are required performed on the same day.  Once these have been performed, Mr Sood will view and interpret the x-rays and will take you through the findings.  Sometimes no further tests or investigations are required, and Mr Sood will then give you a clear idea of what might be causing the problem.

If further tests or scans are required to fully assess the problem, such as an MRI scan or Ultrasound scan, these will be arranged for you at your convenience and we will schedule a further appointment for you to be reviewed Mr Sood to discuss the results.

At the review appointment Mr. Sood will clearly explain the nature of your condition using diagrams and animations of the hip or knee as necessary and will answer all your questions.  He will produce a management plan taking into account all relevant factors.

If physiotherapy is required you will be referred to a specialist physiotherapist.  If you require simple injections to help resolve your pain, these may also be performed during the same visit.  If you need an operation, this will be discussed in detail with you.

Find out more about how we can help you

Call 01234 490 015 / 020 7127 4202