Leg-length in Hip Replacement

Hip replacement

Mr Sood and his team presented work at the European Hip Society in Stockholm on the topic of how to make sure that patients leg length is restored correctly after total hip replacement.  After hip replacement the operated leg can be lengthened and patients can find this difficult.  Shortening can also occur but this is less common.

We use a special protocol during every hip replacement that we perform to monitor leg-length closely to ensure that leg-length problems do not arise.  We looked at 100 consecutive patients managed in this way and found that the results that we achieved were amongst the best reported results in the published literature for leg-length and offset.


Soft-tissue balancing in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Results in 100 consecutive patients

M Sood, A Memarzadeh and D Arvinte. 11th European Hip Society Congress Stockholm 2014